
Bring Back Your Customers with 5 Tips Cafe Interior Design

posted on July 16, 2020

Bring Back Your Customers with 5 Tips Cafe Interior Design

Interior Designers: Contact us via Highstreet to realize the building of your dreams and follow our blog for updates on building design inspiration.

Imagine you have plans for dinner with your friends. You feel happy and can't wait to try the new cafe or restaurant. Your expectations are very high and anticipate interesting experiences that you will get when visiting the restaurant. But when you go visit, and see the interior design of the cafe or restaurant is not the best and mediocre. This slightly reduces your mood, but you still want to feel comfortable in the restaurant. Then, you hear disturbing music, unattractive menus, and a chandelier on the table makes you feel dizzy. Even when the food provided by the restaurant or cafe tastes good, you don't want to go back again because it gets a terrible atmosphere and makes you uncomfortable.

Nowadays, people don't just go to restaurants to enjoy food, they go to have a pleasant experience. Anyone who can cook delicious food in their home kitchen, that is the reason the cafe and restaurant industry does not stop to develop beautiful restaurant interior designs that are attractive to keep returning visitors. The interior design of the cafe can be the only difference that ultimately makes your visitors return, besides the taste of the food. You need to remember that the cafe's design has an impression for your visitors. Several interior designs are favourite places and can make everyone want to come back again. Before you change the interior design of your cafe or restaurant, here are 5 interior cafe design tips that will help you retain your visitors.

The Location of Restaurant and Cafe 

Selection of restaurant and cafe locations is very important for you to pay attention to because it will determine the type of visitors you want to target. You can't just find a lot of vacant lands and build a cafe in that location. The location will determine your restaurant visitors, menu and client demographics. In choosing the location of restaurants and cafes, there are three places that you can refer to.

  1. Corner shop: You can consider this type of location by choosing the one you like the most at a busy crossroads by people. Choosing this location will attract a lot of people's attention, and improve your restaurant and cafe business.
  2. Comfortable environment: When you are looking for a prime location for your restaurant in a residential area, then look for a place that has a minimum of competition. Please note, if too many restaurants and cafes appear in the same place, customers will be reduced. Open your restaurant and cafe in a comfortable and low-competition environment.
  3. Malls: If your cafe is in the commercial category, then the best choice is to find a prime location in the mall. This location selection will attract the type of visitors you are looking for.

Restaurant Exterior Design

The outside of the cafe or commonly referred to as the exterior design must be very friendly. If you do not pay attention, then the attraction of your restaurant will decrease. Besides, at least the exterior of the cafe must represent some interior design. To implement it, you can use a tall window that can provide a beautiful view of the interior design of your cafe or even the appearance of food. Give a logo that looks luxurious and friendly to attract the visitors you want.

Restaurant Lighting Interior Design

Interior design that has good lighting is the main attraction of each design that is applied but will double when designing specifically for restaurants. The lighting design for restaurants is much more nuanced than the lighting design for homes. By applying the right lighting, it will create a positive mood and make your visitors make your restaurant visitors' tastes good. It will be different, if your restaurant's lighting design is bad, then you will lose your restaurant visitors. No visitor wants to sit under a flashy light.

Lighting for the interior design of the cafe should be bright and create a comfortable atmosphere in the whole space. However, you also need a balance of accents and decorative equipment. Then how to choose a good lighting design? You can apply artificial lighting designs. Cafe interior lighting is an appropriate scheme of three kinds of artificial lighting techniques, such as accent lighting and decorative lighting. Sometimes, restaurants have special lighting. Besides, you can also apply ambient lighting. This type of lighting can create the same kind of light distribution throughout the room. That way, the spread of lighting will be balanced in each room.

Another way you can do for your restaurant lighting is accent lighting that highlights certain features in your cafe's interior. The design can display objects such as paintings, food exhibitions and artwork in your restaurant. There are also decorative lighting that will add beauty to the interior design of your restaurant. This lighting scheme will complement the interior of your cafe.

For those of you who like the natural touch, you can apply natural lighting to your restaurant. The combination of natural light with the interior design of the cafe can be your choice and can enhance the overall appearance of each room. Natural lighting not only strengthens the view of the interesting atmosphere but also makes the cafe's interior look refreshing and spacious. The atmosphere always makes people interested in visiting.

The Selection of Color and Material Interior Design Materials

Every cafe interior aesthetic is a combination of colour and material. The right combination of the two can improve your restaurant's visuals. Sometimes, too, if you choose wrong, it can make your cafe look boring. Cafes need to have beautiful visuals to attract visitors, so you must choose the right colour and complement it with the right material.

Increasing the Attraction of Dining Through the Interior

The main focus of every restaurant is to increase the tastes of visitors. To achieve this, this involves interior design with colour psychology in the mind of your visitors, such as the dark brown colour combined with the golden colour atmosphere, will unknowingly increase visitors' appetite. This is why most restaurant interiors are designed in brown, red and gold.

cafe interior design

How about your restaurant? Does the interior design of your cafe or restaurant attract the attention of visitors? Interior design is indeed very important when you design a restaurant. However, if you are confused about the interior design process of your cafe and restaurant, you can work with us. We will help create the ideal restaurant design for you.

Interior Designers: Contact us via Highstreet to realize the building of your dreams and follow our blog for updates on building design inspiration.

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