
Co-working Space, an ideal and promising design of sharing workspace!

posted on July 17, 2018

Co-working Space, an ideal and promising design of sharing workspace!

Consider these aspects in order to design an ideal and comfortable co-working space!Co-working space is one of public facility that becomes trend in big cities. It is a place purposely designed to be rented as a sharing workplace or can be used by anyone without any membership needed. The presence of Co-working space had given a positive alternative for a workplace along with building relation and creating job opportunities.

Co-working space can be an individual building, rented rooms in public places like mall or shopping center, or can also be part of office buildings. It depends on the concept and the necessity of working space that we want to establish. If usually working spaces are formal and rigid, co-working space was born to accommodate working activity or discussion in a dynamic and cozy atmosphere.

Room Function

The first step in designing co-working space is obviously deciding functions of rooms that we want to have. The main sharing room, semi-private workspace, private work space or VVIP, general meeting and discussion area, recreational area and supporting facilities such as kitchen and toilettes. We can also determine the numbers of visitors who can use the facilities in co-working space by looking at the total dimension of rooms.  

Main Theme

Selecting main theme is an important part in designing. Do we want to have homey work space with modern and contemporary design or we want to have an attractive ambiance for the rooms? We can correlate it with the location of the building or the majority of public that we target as customers.   

Room layout

In co-working space, we still have to divide the room zone cautiously. Public zone is allocated as registration area, then there is semi-private zone for sharing work space, and also discussion area without panel, and don’t forget spots for supporting facilities. Meanwhile the private zone is the place to build closed rooms for meetings. These zones must be constructed skillfully so that every room has its lighting, ventilation and ideal access.  

Ideal Furniture

After deciding room function and layout, the comfort of co-working space can be supported by using ideal furniture. Most importantly, we must have table in right dimension and ergonomic chair that can support the posture of the client while they’re working. Each table and corners must be provided with electric socket and suitable lighting. It will be ideal if these tables also have storage place to put personal belonging of customer. Alternatively, co-working space can also provide relaxing spots, with low coffee table and beanbag on a carpeted floor.  

Supporting Facilitie

Apart from interior and architectural element, the presence of supporting facilities will complete the functions of co-working space. Starting from office equipment, such as printer, copy machine and scanner, to big screen to support a meeting with presentation. On the other hand, kitchen appliances like water dispenser and coffee maker will add the comfort of visitors to spend their time in co-working space.  

As a consultant of design interior and architecture, High Street Studio has handled many residential projects and public facilities. Our creative team will come out with efficient yet out of the box ideas, including in creating co-working space project. Do not hesitate to contact us and turn your vision and dream design into reality with High Street Studio.

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