
Design Workplaces for Social Distancing

posted on June 24, 2020

Design Workplaces for Social Distancing

Interior Designers: Contact us via Highstreet to realize the building of your dreams and follow our blog for updates on building design inspiration.

When Indonesia has reduced large-scale social restrictions or CBCs and is moving into a transition period, the question of whether all employees, some of whom can work from home, should return to work seems to be a topic of concern. However, apart from regulations provided by the Government and the risk of returning to work from the office due to the opportunity to spread COVID-19. The office also faces an increase in anxiety for its employees, especially if the design of the office is an open place that shares a desk is still not safe to use. Whether the COVID-19 pandemic will cause permanent changes to office design, culture, and human behaviour is still under debate. However, overcoming worry about returning to the office is something you can overcome and making sure that the idea of returning to the office will not make you worry. Interior design services also have ideas about how to eliminate worries for employees who will return to the office. You must be wondering, how to apply social distance in the office? How do you still feel safe working from the office?

Office Interior Design Install New Signs

Pandemic COVID-19 has changed many things in your daily activities. Especially if you are in an office. Floor signs, social distance signs, and handwashing posters can all give your employees a sense of calm that your office has adapted to your office environment.

Office Interior Design Install Hygienic Screens

By applying screens or screens between workstations designed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 between employees. Your employees will be able to return to work from the office with more confidence.

Office Interior Design to Reduce Hotdesking and Improve Fixed Desk Position

Even if you want your employees to work on hotdesking, it seems you can no longer use it at a time like this. Certainly, your employees will not want to sit at a table that has been used by someone else. To overcome this, you can provide a fixed table position for your employees. So only one person can use the table. Your employees don't need to worry anymore because they have shared the desk area with other employees.

Office Interior Design Change Canteen Facilities

Adapt your office during the new normal period by reducing the noise on your cafeteria activity. There is no more buffet served. In any area that allows crowds will make your employees feel worried. However, if you don't want to change the canteen facilities in your office, you can change the design of your canteen and adjust it to the health protocol.

Office Interior Design Change Elevator Design

If you don't want to change the design of your office elevator, your employees should start using stairs instead of elevators and escalators if they can. This is an area where excessive density can occur. Lift facilities are used for your employees who need and reduce the number of people who use them at one time. However, if you want to change the elevator design, you can apply the pedal system to the elevator design.

Office Interior Design Increase Clean Areas

The time for cleaning in your office must change to conform to the new normal Health protocol. Surely your office needs a well-organized rotation using visible check charts to prove that the area has been cleared. That way, this can increase trust for your employees. You can also create a special area for hand sanitizers at the entrance of your office.

Reduce the Number of Furniture in Office Interior Design

By reducing office desks and creating space, social distance can be more applicable to your office space. To implement this, interior design services will redesign the layout of each table and physically change the footprint of the workspace in your office. That way, your employees will know that they can stay safe to work from the office. In addition to reducing the number of work tables used, interior design services will make adjacent groups of tables no longer applied. Interior design services will rearrange furniture so people won't be close to the desk or you might also consider using a smaller desk in your office.

interior design office

As you already know, when the COVID-19 pandemic stopped working from the office, some people were confused about adjusting their office environment to changes in the new normal transition. You can start from improving the air filtration system in your office space, to replacing leather and wool materials with synthetic materials that can be used in health. Across the country, interior design and architects began to discuss office design adaptations. Like using a partition between work tables facing each other and close together. Besides, masks, protectors when sneezing, hand sanitizer areas are the most important things. You can also improve ventilation and air conditioning so that your office space can be maintained relative humidity, and sterilize the air with natural lighting. Natural ventilation can be another option for some people, including you. You can also install furniture that is lightweight and can be moved easily.

You need to remember, you should reduce the touchpoints in your office environment. With so many touchpoints and high two-way lanes, office entrances and bathrooms can provide a challenge for you. For those of you who want to reduce it and change the design of your office, you can implement an entrance system without touch and make automatically like using face recognition or unknown visitors will be asked to talk to the receptionist via intercom. Bathroom door you can make without touch. With a vaccine development deadline that is still uncertain, you should create a friendly office environment in this new normal era.

What about the design of your office? Have you applied a friendly design to the rules of social distance? Keeping social distance is also still important to do in the office environment so that your employees feel safe and comfortable working from the office, work performance is also maintained. If you want to change the design of your office so that you can adapt to this new normal period, you can work with us by contacting customer service on this website. The comfort of your employees means a lot to you. It's time to create a safe and healthy office for you and your employees.

Interior Designers: Contact us via Highstreet to realize the building of your dreams and follow our blog for updates on building design inspiration.

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