
How Reshaped Your Work Experience Through Interior Design

posted on October 22, 2020

How Reshaped Your Work Experience Through Interior Design

Interior Designer: Contact us via Highstreet to build your dream building and follow our blog for updates on building design inspiration.

With two months to go before you leave 2020, and among the trends that have emerged during the pandemic, working from home is one that everyone feels the most. Like four in ten people who can work from home, there is little time to prepare. After nearly more than seven months of “WFH”, it is time to discuss what happened and how you can improve your work experience through interior design.

Many offices start evaluating their office designs when employees temporarily leave the office and allow employees to work from home. But how productive are you working from home? Employees are divided by WFH only and those who most homeschooling for their children. 

Around the beginning of 2020, many office employees began packing, moving and then redesigning it their home office. Some of them did not have a special room design to work from home when the pandemic started. More than half of employees need to be creative. Some employees use their living room as a workspace, some are starting to work from the bedroom and dining room, and even take advantage of the kitchen.

Work from Home: You Should Paying Attention to Interior Design

The perfect WFH interior layout comes in a variety of sizes. If designing a private office is not an option, you may be able to change the interior design of the existing space in the house with enough space for office desks and chairs. It would be better if the room design has a special table that you only use for work, even though it is small. Besides, some of you are also designing multifunctional rooms. You have to change the design of your work environment at the end of the day, make room for other functions, and often you take advantage of a room that is quite large. The dining table or kitchen, in particular, should be free of work-related items and completely designed for daily routines.

Keeping the function of this kitchen design will encourage conscious eating, keep you away from computer screens, and reduce the risk of overeating when distracted by email. 

Interior design home office depending on your job and how much paper you handle at once, you may need a larger interior arrangement, may also have a form room design configuration to place more than one computer screen. Consider implementing an effective home office interior design for the comfort of your WFH at home, many people may choose to use family furniture that is no longer used. Another option can rethink any shelf in your room. You can design space for a table surface area and maybe even create a sitting table design solution.

Interior Design Preparation Comfortable Home Office

The ergonomics design concept is important to make someone work from home or not. For some people, its poor ergonomics implementation and inefficient arrangement pose a challenge to WFH regarding the size of the design space. Finding a chair that suits you is priority number one, whether you prefer traditional chair designs or dynamic furniture. The sitting solution can also improve your health, as it is proven that you can burn almost twice as many calories standing as you can when sitting.

You may have heard that the best position for office ergonomics is your position. This means that even the most ergonomic chair choices can make you unproductive at work if you do not move enough. Wobbly benches are plenty in the furniture, along with the treadmill. You can also find furniture designed to promote the astronaut's position for an almost gravity-free experience. You can choose flexible furniture to complement the interior design of your home office, while also fulfilling your needs in supporting work from home.

Lighting Considerations for Interior Design Home Office

Proper lighting and glare are essential for a positive work environment. If you are exposed to a lot of 'blue light' and have to stare at a computer screen for hours, then you should know the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes you spend using the screen, you should try to look at something 20 feet away from you for a total of 20 seconds.

When it comes to natural light, there are some important considerations that you must keep in mind when designing an interior home office. Now that you know a potential WFH area with sufficient desk space and access to electricity, you should consider how much natural light the area will have.

If possible have access to windows that will help you not to feel less isolated in the room. It's important to support a healthy work rhythm by letting your body keep up with the changes during the day. Skylights are also great, especially if they allow indirect light to enter the interior design of the home office 

Pay attention to design Home Office

However, creating the right work interior design at home is not easy when sharing space with your family becomes a challenge in itself. If you have no dust allergy problems and the WFH is located on a hard floor, you might consider adding a rug to that area in your interior design. It can also overcome the sound in the room. Design interior home office can work from a high ceiling area, perhaps open to a room with multiple heights.

You can use some of the sound absorption screens that can be moved or maybe in a soundproof ceiling or wall to complement the interior design of your home office. Depending on the interior style of your home, high ceilings may not suit the aesthetics of some interior designs.

home office design

You all have good days and bad days, it can happen at work or home, and sometimes you just need to rest. Being able to work from home gives you more freedom to take a relaxing break, maybe you can do a 10-minute yoga session and work out more flexibly.

How about the interior design of your home office? If you have problems regarding home office design, we can be the solution for your home office interior. The home office is an important space for those of you who work from home. Just contact our customer service on this website page.

This article is adapted from Space, Time, Flexibility: How 2020 Reshaped Our Work Experience

Interior Designer: Contact us via Highstreet to build your dream building and follow our blog for updates on building design inspiration.

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