
Want to Have Career as an Interior Designer? This is 8 Things You Should Know

posted on April 9, 2021

Want to Have Career as an Interior Designer? This is 8 Things You Should Know


Heard about an interior designer, of course, will be directly related to room layout, starting from plans, budget planning, furniture layout, lighting layout, room color, and detailed explanations to clients. Interior designer has become a fairly well-known profession lately because many people want to change the atmosphere of their home to be more comfortable during the pandemic.

Interior designers also usually accept jobs to change the room of an old house to make it a newer room that doesn't seem old. However, if you want to start a career as an interior designer, there are a few things that you must know before you jump right into becoming a professional.


1.    Interior Designers Can Flexible Working

Given the pandemic that is not over yet, an interior designer will work remotely by contacting clients via a conference video phone, or through other video meeting applications. This certainly makes it easier for you to work with anyone, anywhere as long as the client doesn't mind.

You can take on projects, both at home and abroad. Even so, it is undeniable that interior designers will still make business trips to client locations to explain and do their work in person. Because interior design is not only a matter of 2D and 3D design drawings but also includes the direct construction and layout of the interior.


2. Interior Designers Must Explore Creative Skills

Creativity? Is a must! Being an interior designer, you must have a strong creative side and have the desire to explore more creative skills than you have now. Creative skills can be trained by following what trends are developing in the world of interior design. Honing creative skills is useful in meeting clients' diverse expectations, ranging from types of interior design, concepts, and styles, to layouts that must match the client's room.

The creative skills of interior designers can also be seen from the certification they have. Certification is one way to check if an interior designer is qualified to work on a project. Another way to qualify for an interior designer is to look at their education and make sure it is relevant to their job. Consider design-related education and professional certification to get a complete picture of your interior designer's qualifications.


3. Create Professional Interior Design Portfolio

A portfolio helps you to promote the work and projects that you have worked on. With a portfolio, you can showcase all your work and your credibility is unquestionable. Because, usually clients will ask for your portfolio as consideration for whether they will use your services or not, as well as a reference for the design style you usually use.

So, make the portfolio as neat and attractive as possible.


4. Expert in Design Computer Programs

Interior design is now moving towards digital interior design. Many have switched from manual work tools to digital work tools. From starting to make plans that were previously drawn manually on paper, now everything is done using a computer program. This is certainly easier for interior designers to do their job. Save paper and don't need to be afraid if you make a mistake in the image you make, because it can be easily repaired immediately without having to re-create it on a new paper.


5. Interior Design Is Not As Easy As Imagined

Oftentimes, interior designers cannot work alone. Even though in plain view, this profession can be done all in or all at once. However, you will also usually work with contractors, subcontractors, or people in other fields of work who are still related to you.

Requests from clients are unpredictable. There are things that sometimes interior designers cannot do, for example, if your client asks to make an interior design based on good feng shui. Of course, you will be confused about accepting this project, that's why you have to work with Fengshui experts to create work according to the client's wishes.


6. Interior Design Is A Fun Job

All work has its fun side. If you realize, interior design is a fun job because you can master many things related to your field of work. For example, you come to know a lot about the concept and style of a room even down to its history. You can also learn about the composition of colors and their use in interior spaces.

Apart from the main skill base, you can exchange a lot of information with your clients. Of course, your clients have different backgrounds, so you can get a lot of knowledge not only in the field of interior design but in almost all aspects.


7. The income of an interior designer  are different in each country

Interior designer income depends on how many room projects you work on. Each country has different provisions in regulating the income of an interior designer. The income of an interior designer can be in the form of a monthly salary if the designer works for a company. But it can also be in the form of income per project if you work freelance or have your job.

Based on general data, usually, the salary of an interior designer in Indonesia ranges from IDR 4-6 million, while in Singapore, a beginner designer can get a salary offer of up to IDR 13 million per month. On the other hand, the United States can provide salaries of up to Rp. 40 million per month for interior designers who already have a lot of experience.

The amount of salary earned also depends on the creativity of the interior designer to market his ideas. Are you interested in trying to market your services overseas?


8. Takes a lot of experience

Being a professional interior designer, of course, you need a lot of experience and hours of flying so that your services can be used by many clients. Experience helps you to get more clients and strengthen your credibility. However, if you are just starting in your career, it's a good idea to start looking for internships or opening freelance services as an early stage of your career.

There's nothing wrong with working freelance first. You can simultaneously take knowledge from anywhere as long as you gain experience. Then how do you do it? One of them is by joining as an interior design partner with HydeLiving, because you open up opportunities for you to learn and work on projects directly with clients.


Are you interested in joining our partner in interior design? You can join us. We provide opportunities for those of you who want to expand your network as our interior design partner, send your company profile here.

For other articles regarding the latest information to tips and tricks about home interior design, visit hydeliving.co.id and find out more inspiration for residential interior design.



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